The Babydoll Southdown is a sheep of the early Southdown type imported in the U.S. and seen in England in the 1800's through the early 1900's. They are a small sheep ranging in height from 18" to 24" tall and range in weight between 60 and 125 pounds. They are the oldest of the down breeds. They are well know for flavorful meat and fine fleece. These little sheep make great companions and are valued in vineyards, sustainable agriculture and organic farming. They are also know for their teddy bear faces and their "smiles." They are chock-full of personality. Babydoll sheep are most often white or off-white, but occasionally are black. The fleece on these cute little sheep is most often about 2 to 3 inches long. It runs about 19 to 22 microns, which means is very similar to cashmere. Another great thing is they are naturally polled, docile and very easy on fences. One downside is they are very easy keepers. Babydoll ewes tend to be good mothers and often have twins.
I personally chose this breed for their personality, size, and of course, their cuteness factor.